

측정범위1 -80 to +20°Cdp (-112 to +68°Fdp)
측정범위2 -90 to +20°Cdp (-130 to +68°Fdp)
측정정확도 ±0.1°C (±0.18°F)
미러 Gold plated copper
•Accuracy of ±0.1°C (±0.18°F)
•Precision measurement to -90°Cdp (-130°Fdp, 100 ppb) with no need for additional cooling
•Simple configuration and operation via touch screen interface
•Sensor head optimized for fast response to low moisture levels
•High measurement sensitivity
•Microscope for visual inspection of condensate on mirror
•Compact 19\" x 4U package
•Lightweight at 17 kg (37.5 lbs) - less than half the weight of closest competitor
•Ethernet or USB connections
•SD card datalogging
