BEST 산업보급형 Easidew
노점범위 | -100 to +20°Cdp |
노점정확도 | ±2°Cdp |
출력신호 | 4-20 mA |
공급전원 | 12 to 28 V DC |
사용온도 | -40 to + +60°C |
사용압력 | 45MPa (450 barg/6500 psig) max |
적정유량 | 1 to 5 Nl/min mounted in standard sampling block; 0 to 10m/sec direct insertion insertion |
연결Thread | 5/8 inch 18 UNF |
* 5/8” UNF process connection
* Dew point or ppmV moisture content
* 2-wire loop powered connection
* Rugged 316 stainless steel IP66 construction
* Measurement range -100 to +20°Cdp
* Accuracy ±2°Cdp
* Calibration Certificate (NPL, NIST)
* Dew point or ppmV moisture content
* 2-wire loop powered connection
* Rugged 316 stainless steel IP66 construction
* Measurement range -100 to +20°Cdp
* Accuracy ±2°Cdp
* Calibration Certificate (NPL, NIST)